How to bridge Avax tokens from Avalanche to Harmony.

In this example we will bridge the AVAX token from Avalanche Network to the Harmony Network Before doing the actual transfer, you will need to wrap your AVAX token.

To do so, click the swap tab on the left of your screen. This will bring you to

First verify that your wallet is connected to the exchange. Now select WAVAX in the section below AVAX.

Select the amount of AVAX you want to wrap and wrap it! Now that you have your wrapped AVAX, go back to to do the transfer.

Select Harmony in the destination chain. Select WAVAX token. Select the amount you want to bridge and click transfer.

This will be a 2 step process, first you will need to appove the transaction and than start the actual transfer.

Voila You have have successfully transfer some AVAX token to the Harmony network.


These complete steps are also in the tutorial Video below.