How to bridge native USDC from Ethereum to | Avalanche | Polygon | BSC | ?

In this example we will show you how to bridge “native” USDC stable coins from Ethereum to Binance Smart Chain (BSC).
The procedure is exactly the same to the other destination chains only the native USDC contract on the destination chain is different.
Quick, fast, secure and low cost.
Why native? Well there are many different wrapped versions of all tokens when they are moved from there original chain to another chain.
This is just the way cross-chain works. In many smaller tokens cause liquidity fragmentation over the chains. By using native stable coins you never have to worry if there is enough liquidity on the other chain..
First we will go to the bridge app on
We already have our Metamask on our source chain (Ethereum) and USDC in our wallet.
ethereum bridge
 As you can see we are clearly connected to Ethereum and first will select the destination chain in the “sending To:”  dropdown:
bridge select destination bsc
In this example we use Ethereum as the source “Sending From:” and  BSC as the “Sending to:” destination chain.
Ethereum bridge to bsc
The procedure is exactly the same from Ethereum to all 3 native USDC bridges “destination chains” : Polygon | BSC | Avalanche
Next we will select the token and amount we want to transfer:
multi chain token select
If we select USDC from the drop down menu we will get the following and can safely select “I understand” and press continue.
cross chain token import
We selected to cross-chain bridge  250 USDC from Ethereum to BSC and this is how it looks before we select to transfer:
Ethereum bridge usdc to bsc
Above the Transfer button you will see:
1. Max amount USDC to transfer
2. Estimated Transfer fee (bridge fee)
If everything looks good we will start the transfer by pressing the transfer button.
approve usdc from ethereum to bsc
Then we get the above overview and we select approve transfer
approve usdc transaction
This screen will pop-up next
approve usdc ethereum metamask
Followed by this screen to confirm the transaction.
start usdc polygon avalanche cross-chain transfer
Then we select Start transfer
multichain transfer pending
Then the transfer is pending
confirm metamask transfer pending
And we get the final confirmation in metamask with the gas fees (for the source chain TXN fee) and the bridge fees (including the destination chain TXN fee)
cross-chain transfer completed
Voila the Transfer is now send from Polygon to the destination chain you chose. And the tokens  left the chain. (In this example from Polygon to Avalanche)
The bridge is very fast . However it still has to be processed on the destination chain. The time it takes depends mostly on the destination chain.

Switching to the destination chain

Recommended to switch from Ethereum to the destination chain within the relay Bridge App. This will automatically switch MetaMask as well.

In case this is your first time you ever used the destination change this will also import the correct destination chain settings from the Bridge App into MetaMask.

In our below example we choose Binance Smart Chain (BSC) .

metamask switch from Ethereum to BSC

When we select Binance Smart Chain (BSC) we get the below pop-up to import the network:

import bsc network in metamask



(make sure all pending confirmations from the source chain are processed.) and select Switch Network.

switch from ethereum to bsc in metamask

How can I add the token contracts on the destination chain (Avalanche – Polygon – BSC ) ?

Remember every token that is bridged has a different token contract on every chain. So choose the correct corresponding contract from the list below. You only have to do this once per token on every chain you use. Once done the tokens you bridged will be visible on the destination chain.

When you transferred USDC from Ethereum to Avalanche

Importing the native USDC contracts on the Avalanche chain:

import tokens avalanche

You can copy paste this USDC contract for Avalanche in the box below:  0xa7d7079b0fead91f3e65f86e8915cb59c1a4c664


paste token contract on avalanche


When you transferred USDC from Ethereum to Polygon

Importing the native USDC token contracts on the Polygon chain:

import crypto on bsc in metamask

You can copy paste this USDC contract for Polygon in the box below:  0x2791bca1f2de4661ed88a30c99a7a9449aa84174

import token contract on any chain in metamask


When you transferred USDC from Ethereum to BSC

Importing the native USDC token contracts on the BSC chain:

import tokens on BSC

You can copy paste this USDC contract on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) in the box below:  0x8ac76a51cc950d9822d68b83fe1ad97b32cd580d

import USDC on BSC in MetaMask



After the correct token contracts are imported the tokens should be visible.